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My Must-Have Floral Design Tools!



 Sarah street photography

Today’s post is a short one, but I’m sharing sharing a few of my favorite floral design tips and design tools that have made all the difference for me when designing wedding flowers! I have also included where I bought each item so you can check it out yourself!! Thanks to Sarah Street Photography for this image! 🙂

1. My Absolute FAVORITE Floral Shears

I read some online reviews for a pair of shears from Japan, called Sakagen, and I knew that I had to try them! They were a little pricey, but once I began using them in my designing I was HOOKED. The hand grasp is super comfortable for long-term usage (processing flowers for hours and hours), and the blade is sharp. I mean scary sharp, and easy to cut through tough rose stems, branches, etc. These shears are such an asset to my business, that I bought several pairs for when I have assistants helping me process!! They are such a time-saver (no more battling dull blades and thick stems) and they help keep my flowers fresh as long as possible with their sharp blade- and BONUS- they come in a bunch of fun colors (I have 5 haha!) I bought them on Amazon HERE.

2. Lazy Susan

My Lazy Susan is another studio favorite; it’s so awesome to be able to spin your design around as often as you like to examine it from all angles! This is especially useful if you are creating a low or tall centerpiece- you want it to look good from all sides! And tip for tall centerpieces- put your lazy susan atop a bucket and then you can be sure to design so that the bottom portion is covered for when guests are sitting at the reception table looking up! It’s a simple and inexpensive tool that can save you loads of time and effort, find them on Amazon HERE!

3. Zip Ties, Pipe Cleaners, Fishing Line, and/or Bind Wire

Pretty much use at least one of these, if not all of them, for any given wedding set up! These are the best tools to use for securing everything you could possibly need to!

4. Rose Stripper.

These things are AMAZING!! I also bought this on Amazon, and they are so cool and comfy in your hand. Stripping roses is crucial, especially when designing personal flowers; it is my worst nightmare to have a bride slice her finger on a rose in her bouquet during her wedding! You may want to wear gloves to give yourself an added layer of protection from thorns, but these little babies are a must-have for sure. Time-saver and easy to teach to a processing assistant! I had to include a photo from Amazon too, just because I think they’re cute!!

These five tools are something I use EVERY time I process and design flowers; I hope this post has been informative and helpful!! Feel free to email me with any questions about floral design tools or other suggestions you may have; I am always open to learning more from others!! 🙂


  1. Mai says:

    I would love to see you in action!!! My aunt loved flower arrangement and stuff but I never got that skill. You are awesome and I love how you always want to improve your skill!!!

  2. Lindsay Johnson says:

    How did I not know about a rose stripper!?! I am ordering one right now!

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